Natural Motion Sickness Remedies: A Comprehensive Guide

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Natural Motion Sickness Remedies: You Need To Understand Motion Sickness

Motion sickness, also known as travel sickness, is a common condition characterized by feelings of nausea and dizziness triggered by repeated motion. It typically occurs when traveling by car, boat, plane, or train. Motion sickness happens when there’s a disconnect between what your eyes see and what your inner ears, which help with balance, and sense. Natural motion sickness remedies are well worth a look.

Common symptoms of motion sickness include nausea, dizziness, sweating, and a general feeling of discomfort. Some individuals may also experience a rapid pulse, pale skin, and increased saliva production.

Groups at Risk of Motion Sickness

While anyone can experience motion sickness, certain groups are more susceptible. These include children between the ages of 2 to 12, pregnant women, and individuals with certain medical conditions, especially those affecting the ears.

peppermint heals

Natural Remedies and their Mechanisms


Ginger has been a trusted remedy for nausea and dizziness for centuries. Its efficacy in managing motion sickness is primarily due to its ability to calm the digestive system, reducing feelings of queasiness. Sipping on a cold ginger ale is a great idea, it quelches that icky sick feeling. Quite often flight attendants and cruise ship staff make this helpful suggestion. You can also try ginger tablets as well.


Like ginger, peppermint has been used to alleviate digestive symptoms, with its fresh aroma and natural soothing properties. Sipping peppermint-infused tea or sniffing peppermint essential oil could help relieve symptoms of motion sickness. You can also carry a small bottle of peppermint essential oil and take a sniff when needed. 


Acupressure, an ancient Chinese therapy, involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to alleviate symptoms of illness. For motion sickness, the relevant point is located on the inner wrist. Many travelers swear by acupressure wristbands designed to apply constant pressure on this point.

Lemon Flavor

Here’s a bonus one I learned while I was in the hospital years ago. After surgery quite often they would give me morphine for the pain. It made me extremely nauseous. If they forgot to give me Dramamine at the same time as the morphine I would become nauseous almost immediately. It wasn’t very good one night. So the super nice nurse brought me what looked like a large popsicle stick that smelled and tasted like lemon. It helped immensely until the Dramamine kicked in. So as with peppermint essential oil, lemon essential oil can also be used. Dab some on your wrists as you travel, that way it’s right there for you when you need it.

lemons for water

Diet and Hydration for Motion Sickness Prevention

Eating Habits

Eating small meals before traveling can help lessen the impact of motion sickness. Avoid greasy, fatty, or spicy foods, which can upset the stomach.

Importance of Staying Hydrated

Dehydration can exacerbate motion sickness. Thus, it’s essential to drink plenty of water while traveling. Sipping water slowly and regularly can also alleviate feelings of nausea.

Avoiding Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate the body and heighten sensitivity, potentially worsening motion sickness symptoms. As a preventive measure, it’s best to avoid consuming these before and during travel.

ginger root tea

Natural Environment Adjustments As Natural Motion Sickness Remedies

Positioning in a Moving Vehicle

Where you sit can impact your experience of motion. Opt for the front seat in a car or the middle seat over the wings in a plane. I need to ride in the front seat of a car with the window cracked open for air if I’m the passenger. For some reason when I am the driver, it does not affect me at all. Always face the direction of the travel and keep your eyes fixed on a stationary object in the distance.


The fresh air can reduce the feeling of queasiness and help you to keep calm. If it’s not possible to open a window, an air conditioning vent or a fan can be helpful. I carry a small mini fan with me when I travel, it does help.

Limiting Sensory Input

Long trips can overstimulate the senses, particularly sight and sound. Using a sleep mask or earplugs can help mitigate these effects and alleviate symptoms.

dizziness and motion sickness

Combating Motion Sickness Through Mind and Body Training

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are excellent exercises for improving balance, which could potentially help to reduce your susceptibility to motion sickness.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mental exercises like mindfulness and meditation can help you control reactions to motion, by teaching your mind to respond rather than react to the disorienting signals it might be getting.

Physical Conditioning

By slowly increasing your exposure to motion, you can also condition your body to handle it better. It’s the old “practice makes perfect” advice – with a twist.

While motion sickness can be a troublesome part of traveling, various natural remedies can ease the discomfort and help you enjoy your journeys more. I have a little kit because I experience motion sickness on planes, trains, automobiles, and sadly…on cruise ships. That doesn’t keep me from traveling though, I’ve learned to cope. In my little kit are some peppermint gum, a small battery-operated hand fan, lemon essential oil, peppermint essential oil, and ginger tea bags. Sea bands are in my handy dandy kit as well. A motion sickness disposable bag and wet wipes also make the cut for my little emergency pack. Better to be prepared ahead of time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Most of these natural remedies can safely be combined. However, if you have any specific health concerns or are taking any medication, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional first.

No. Some people may never experience motion sickness, while others may find it a recurring struggle during travel.

Remember, this guide is aimed to provide alternative solutions to manage symptoms of motion sickness. These remedies shouldn’t replace medical advice. If symptoms persist even after trying these methods, please seek the assistance of a healthcare professional. If your sickness is extreme you may have to consider medication.

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