Natural Psoriasis Shampoo Recipe

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A Natural Psoriasis Shampoo Recipe: Soothe Your Scalp

Dealing with psoriasis can feel like a never-ending battle, especially when your scalp comes into play. What you need is a really good natural psoriasis shampoo recipe for relief. The continuous cycle of flaking, itching, and discomfort can be downright frustrating, affecting your physical and mental health. Today, we’re diving deep into a realm of relief with a natural remedy that could be your scalp’s new best friend – a homemade psoriasis shampoo that’s both gentle and effective.

Why Go Natural?

Before we get our hands dirty (or clean, in this case), let’s chat about why natural ingredients are a game-changer for managing psoriasis. Maybe you just want to avoid chemicals at all costs, nothing wrong with that. Mother Terra knows best. 🙂  Conventional shampoos often contain harsh chemicals that can aggravate your scalp, stripping away its natural oils and exacerbating irritation. On the flip side, natural ingredients can provide soothing relief, and when you’re making your shampoo, you have full control over what’s going on your skin. Plus, embarking on this DIY journey not only adds a personal touch to your skincare routine but might also be kinder to your wallet in the long run.

psoriasis on the scalp

Key Ingredients for Your Psoriasis Shampoo

Gathering the right ingredients is crucial for creating a shampoo that not only cleanses your hair but also nurtures your scalp.


Soothing Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is like the Swiss Army knife of natural remedies – there’s very little it can’t do. It’s particularly famed for its soothing, anti-inflammatory properties, making it a prime candidate for calming psoriasis flare-ups.

Moisturizing Coconut Oil

Dry scalp and psoriasis are like two peas in a pod, unfortunately. That’s where coconut oil swings in. It’s an excellent moisturizer that can help keep the scalp’s itchiness and flakes at bay.

Healing Tea Tree Oil

Recognized for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, tea tree oil can assist in keeping potential infections from scratches at bay. A word of caution, though – it’s potent, so a few drops will do the trick.

Gentle Castile Soap

As our base, we’ll use liquid Castile soap. It’s mild, made from plant oils, and serves as the perfect foundation for our natural shampoo.

aloe vera to soothe skin issues

Putting It All Together: DIY Natural Psoriasis Shampoo Recipe

Armed with our ingredients, let’s move on to the crafting phase. Here’s what you’ll need for this simple yet effective recipe:

  • 1/2 cup of liquid Castile soap (unscented)
  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel (ensure it’s pure aloe without added alcohol or fragrances)
  • 1 tsp of coconut oil (extra virgin works best)
  • 10-15 drops of tea tree oil


Start by mixing the liquid Castile soap with the aloe vera gel in a bowl. Stir gently until fully combined.

Warm the coconut oil slightly, just until it’s liquid, and then blend it into the mix.

Add the tea tree oil, drop by drop, testing the mixture for your scent preference and potency.

Transfer your mixture into a bottle – a squeeze bottle or an old, clean shampoo bottle works well.

And just like that, you’ve got yourself a homemade psoriasis shampoo! Remember, it’s free from the preservatives that commercial products have, so it’s best used within a month.

liquid Castille soap

Applying Your Homemade Shampoo

When using your new shampoo, gently massage it onto your scalp in a circular motion, letting it sit for a minute or two. This gives the ingredients time to work their magic. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water (hot water can exacerbate psoriasis symptoms). As every scalp is unique, it’s a good idea to patch-test your shampoo first to ensure it agrees with your skin.

Beyond the Shampoo: Scalp Care Tips

While your new shampoo can make a difference, managing psoriasis often requires a holistic approach. Here are some additional tips to keep your scalp soothed and healthy:

Stay hydrated – drinking plenty of water can help maintain skin health from the inside out.

Avoid scratching – though it’s easier said than done, scratching can worsen symptoms and lead to infections.

Consider a humidifier – dry air, especially during winter, can exacerbate psoriasis. A humidifier in your home can help maintain skin moisture.

Check your diet – some find that certain foods can trigger psoriasis flare-ups. Keeping a food diary might help you identify any potential triggers.

melaleuca plant

Navigating through the ups and downs of psoriasis is no small feat, but incorporating a natural psoriasis shampoo into your routine might just make the journey a tad easier. This DIY recipe offers a gentle yet effective way to cleanse and soothe your scalp, free from the harsh chemicals found in many commercial shampoos. Alongside a regimen of proper scalp care and lifestyle adjustments, you might find yourself one step closer to relief.

Remember, what works for one person might not work for another. It’s about finding the right balance and treatments that suit your individual needs. Here’s to hoping your DIY endeavor brings you not only a healthier scalp but also a little more peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Castile soap is a plant-based soap that is gentle on the skin and helps cleanse without harsh chemicals. Aloe vera is known for its soothing and moisturizing properties, which can benefit the dry and irritated scalp associated with psoriasis. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help manage symptoms of psoriasis. The combination of these ingredients aims to cleanse, soothe, and nourish the scalp, potentially reducing inflammation and scaling associated with psoriasis.

While these ingredients are generally considered safe, individual reactions can vary. It’s advisable to test the shampoo on a small area of the skin first to ensure there are no adverse reactions. Some people with psoriasis may find that using the shampoo daily is beneficial, while others may prefer to use it a few times a week. It’s essential to monitor how your scalp responds and adjust usage accordingly.

This homemade shampoo is not a cure for psoriasis, as psoriasis is a chronic condition with no known cure. However, it may help manage symptoms by providing relief from itching, reducing inflammation, and moisturizing the scalp. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive treatment plan, which may include medicated shampoos, topical treatments, or other prescribed medications.

While these ingredients are generally safe, some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to them. Tea tree oil, in particular, can cause irritation in some people. It’s essential to perform a patch test before regular use. Additionally, if any irritation, redness, or discomfort occurs, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional. Pregnant or nursing individuals should also consult with their healthcare provider before using products containing essential oils.

Results can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience relief from symptoms after a few uses, while others may take longer. Consistent and regular use, along with other recommended psoriasis treatments, may contribute to better results. It’s important to be patient and monitor your scalp’s response over an extended period. If there’s no improvement or if symptoms worsen, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

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